CCBC-Net Archives

Try Learnist not Pinterest

From: Cathy Camper <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 13:57:32 -0700

Regarding Roseanne Parry's mention of Pinterest, authors and librarians need to look at Learnist, which is a Pinterest-like social network used by educators, to share information visually. It's loaded with interesting things at all ages, but focuses more on learning than fashion and sweet desserts! It's still in beta so you have to register to become a member. As a writer and librarian, I recommend it!

-- *Cathy Camper* Evolving Homework Grant Coordinator- Librarian Multnomah County Library Phone:503.988.6043 Fax: 503.988.5441
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Received on Thu 18 Oct 2012 01:57:32 PM CDT