CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Technology IN the Book

From: Angela J. Reynolds <>
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 12:04:13 -0300

Seems to me that librarians have been pretending to be Apps for some time now... we MAKE the print books come alive for kids by getting them to chant, repeat, dance, move, answer questions. We look for books, such as "There are Cats in this Book" , "Tanka Tanka Skunk" , and so many more, that allow us to engage our little listeners. Just an observation!

(PS, Book App developers, Tanka Tanka Skunk would be an awesome App.)

Angela J. Reynolds, Head of Youth Services Annapolis Valley Regional Library P.O. Box 640 Bridgetown, NS B0S 1C0 902-665-2995 ext. 224 _at_annavalley

Received on Fri 21 Sep 2012 12:04:13 PM CDT