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Re: Technology IN the Book

From: Cathy Sullivan Seblonka <>
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 10:52:09 -0400

Another picture book that does this is "There Are Cats in This Book" by Vivane Schwarz. A lot of fun. Cathy

I appreciate Alyson's commentary on "It's a Book" by Lane Smith, and Maryann's overview of some of the books that playfully raise awareness of and encourage reflection on our very idea of what a book is.

I'll add HervŠ¹ Tullet's "Press Here" to that list of books that gleefully play with the idea of the "book" as interactive object in a high-tech world.


Cathy Sullivan Seblonka Youth Services Librarian Peter White Public Library 217 N. Front St. Marquette, MI 49855 906-226-4323
Received on Fri 21 Sep 2012 10:52:09 AM CDT