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Fellowship Opportunity

From: Ellen Ruffin <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 15:14:57 +0000

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de GRUMMOND CHILDREN'S LITERATURE COLLECTION RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM This fellowship program, established by the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation, the Janina Domanska Literary Estate, and the de Grummond Children's Literature Collection at the University of Southern Mississippi, awards grants to sch olars engaged in projects based substantially on the holdings of the de Gru mmond Children's Literature Collection. Please email Curator Ellen Ruffin if you have questions about the Fellowship. An application form is available online. I. PURPOSE The purpose of this program is to encourage imaginative and productive rese arch in children's literature and specifically to encourage and facilitate scholarly use of the resources of the de Grummond Children's Literature Col lection at the McCain Library and Archives, The University of Southern Miss issippi. This collection focuses on American and British children's literat ure, historical as well as contemporary. Original manuscripts and illustrat ions of more than 1,300
 authors and illustrators are a special emp hasis of the Collection. In addition, more than 160,000 published volumes , dating from 1530 to the present and including more than 250 magazine ti tles, are contained in the Collection. Among the resources available for us e are the original illustrations, manuscripts, typescripts, proofs, dummies , preliminary sketches, photographs, and correspondence of award winning au thor/illustrators Ezra Jack Keats and Janina Domanska . II. ELIGIBILITY Grants up to $1582 may be made to applicants of any discipline who engage i n projects which require substantial use of the de Grummond Collection. Awa rds will bebased upon the applicant's scholarly qualifications, the merits of the proposal submitted, and the appropriateness of the proposal to the r esources of the de Grummond Collection. Preference will be given to project s which have a goodlikelihood of being published. Fellowship monies can be used for travel, lodging, and meals, and must be expended by May 31, 2013. II I. CONDITIONS Recipients will be requested to submit a short report of their research at the de Grummond Collection and will be obligated to provide the Collection with a copy of any publication that was made possible by the fellowship. Pu blications resulting in full or part from this support should include an ac knowledgement of the Ezra Jack Keats/Janina Domanska de Grummond Collection Fellowship. IV. TO APPLY An application can be printed from this website or may be obtained fr om the address below. Mail the completed application, postmarked by October 31, 2012 to: Ellen Ruffin, Curator de Grummond Children's Literature Collection The University of Southern Mississippi 118 College Dr., #5148 Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Ellen Hunter Ruffin, Curator and Associate Professor de Grummond Children's Literature Collection McCain Library and Archives The University of Southern Mississippi 118 College, #5148 Hattiesburg, MS 39406 601-266-6543 601-266-4349
Received on Thu 13 Sep 2012 03:14:57 PM CDT