CCBC-Net Archives

Going Bovine

From: Killeen, Erlene <Erlene.Killeen_at_Stoughton.K12.WI.US>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 12:22:27 -0500

I read Going Bovine in the advance reader copy and just loved it. I don't even know why I liked it so much -- I think the fact that it was so differe nt from anything I had read in a long time. Sort of bizarre and confusing -- I was often not sure as a reader what was real and what wasn't -- most o f the time it didn't matter!! When it was named the winner, I was delighted!

Since then, I have gone back to some of Bray's other books when I wanted so mething from a different angle. She doesn't disappoint.

Erlene Bishop Killeen Stoughton Area Schools 1601 West South Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-877-5181
Received on Tue 14 Aug 2012 12:22:27 PM CDT