CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Printz Award and Preference for fiction

From: Catherine Baer <>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 13:57:57 -0500

I wonder if the aforementioned preference of fiction titles for the Printz Award has to do with the preferences exhibited by this age group. From a public library standpoint, it's hard to know how to sell the excellent non-fiction books being published for young adults. I find myself in a quandary about where to shelve them. I always purchase the award winners, and I tend to shelve them in YA non-fiction, but many public libraries shelve most YA non-fiction books in the adult non-fiction section, and reserve limited YA non-fiction shelf space for high interest topics only. It's hard to know where they will circulate the best. Many teens prefer to browse the adult shelves, but of course, not all. I would love to know how other public youth services librarians handle this issue.

Catherine Baer Youth Services Librarian Rosemary Garfoot Public Library Cross Plains, Wisconsin
Received on Wed 08 Aug 2012 01:57:57 PM CDT