CCBC-Net Archives

Pilgrim Voices

From: Monica Edinger <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 06:38:31 -0400

I would LOVE to see Connie and Peter Roop's PILGRIM VOICES: OUR FIRST YEAR IN THE NEW WORLD back in print. It is a beautifully researched and respectfully done compilation of two seminal primary sources about the Mayflower passengers. Just wonderfully well done. The illustrations by Shelley Pritchett are also excellent. I've been teaching a unit on the Pilgrims for many years and have done a lot of research on them and can say that this is the best book I know for kids on the topic. I've managed to get some used copies to replace old and lost ones, but it is a challenge to keep enough on hand for my whole class.

Since many classes do a unit on the Pilgrims these days (we do ours at the end of a year-long immigration study) and with the Common Core recommendation for more informational reading it seems a perfect time to consider bringing this superb book back into print.


-- Monica Edinger 600 West 111th Street Apt 2A New York NY 10025 educating alice _at_medinger on twitter My Huffington Post Blog
Received on Wed 25 Jul 2012 06:38:31 AM CDT