CCBC-Net Archives

Books we'd like to see back in print

From: Payne, Rachel <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 16:27:18 -0400

I wonder about the trend of having books available in board book but sliding out of print in hardcover. Don't get me wrong, I am delighted to have board book editions of many titles, but some books need to be available in both. I am pleased as punch that THE BABY GOES BEEP by Rebecca O'Connell and Ken Wilson-Max is in board, even in its shortened form, but I would love to have the gorgeous full-size, full-text hardcover version available. It is my go-to book for baby storytimes and the smaller version does not cut it with a group. I KISSED THE BABY by Mary Murphy and HIGHER, HIGHER by Leslie Patricelli have also met with this board-book-only-fate. This also seems to be the way TEN LITTLE FINGERS AND TEN LITTLE TOES by Mem Fox and illustrate by Helen Oxenbury is going. Buy your hardcover copies for storytime now!

I believe SAM WHO NEVER FORGETS, which I love and someone mentioned was out of print, is still in paperback.

Best, Rachel

Rachel Payne Ѓ Coordinator, Early Childhood Services Brooklyn Public Library Ѓ Youth and Family Services 10 Grand Army Plaza Ѓ Brooklyn, NY 11238 Tel: 718.230.2233 Ѓ Fax: 718.230.2784

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Received on Mon 23 Jul 2012 04:27:18 PM CDT