CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Back in Print, Please

From: DAJ <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 19:36:19 -0700 (PDT)

--- On Sun, 7/22/12, wrote:

Loretta Mason Potts by Mary Chase

It sometimes surprises me that this title hasn't been reprinted by a specialty press or in a limited edition: it's one of the regular stumper queries at "Stump the Bookseller," and there are 35 comments at amazon from readers who remember it passionately. Judging by the reviews on Goodreads, it doesn't seem to have the same effect on those who first encounter it as an adult. (I was one who read it in childhood and was lucky enough to find a copy years later.)

Received on Sun 22 Jul 2012 07:36:19 PM CDT