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RE: Books we'd like to see back in print
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From: Hendon, Alison <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 14:41:34 -0400
I agree with the poster who mentioned the Jennie Lindquist books (Golden Nameday et al) and would like to add the Mrs Coverlet books as well. (While Mrs Coverlet Was Away, Mrs Coverlet's Magicians...)
Alison Hendon Youth Selection Team Leader Brooklyn Public Library
Received on Thu 19 Jul 2012 02:41:34 PM CDT
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 14:41:34 -0400
I agree with the poster who mentioned the Jennie Lindquist books (Golden Nameday et al) and would like to add the Mrs Coverlet books as well. (While Mrs Coverlet Was Away, Mrs Coverlet's Magicians...)
Alison Hendon Youth Selection Team Leader Brooklyn Public Library
Received on Thu 19 Jul 2012 02:41:34 PM CDT