CCBC-Net Archives

Middle Grade Novels

From: Mullin, Margaret Boling <>
Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2012 10:43:34 -0400

Most responses that I've read so far have said that they think of 4th-8th grades for middle grade. I guess that I've generally thought of 3rd - 6th as middle grade.

I also generally think of books that deal with "school" problems, i.e. bullying, girl drama, friendship, & fitting in.

WONDER by R.J. Palacio (still figuring out how I'll do that as a read-aloud with my 4th graders - guess they'll just see me weep.) BECAUSE OF MR. TERUPT by Rob Buyea

Also, I still look in my personally preferred genre of YA fantasy for books that have strong female protagonists while still avoiding topics that are considered more teen-appropriate (i.e. sexuality) for books that I can comfortably recommend to my younger but strong readers (3rd-4th graders). One that fits the bill here is GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS by Rae Carson.

Margaret Boling Mullin Fourth Grade, Maplewood Elementary, MSD Wayne Twshp, Indianapolis Adjunct Faculty, School of Education, Indiana University
Received on Fri 06 Jul 2012 10:43:34 AM CDT