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Re: Re: Hola friend
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Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 19:54:35 -0400
I guess you are doing well. I wanted to tell you about a great job opp in your area. We have had several of our members take this opp and I am getting some great success stories.
The local newspaper has an article featuring one of our clients, Kelly Richards. It will also give you all the information you need to get started. The article is at 4200&sand I think the article will be on the home-page until tomorrow.
Best of luck
Received on Tue 03 Jul 2012 07:54:35 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 19:54:35 -0400
I guess you are doing well. I wanted to tell you about a great job opp in your area. We have had several of our members take this opp and I am getting some great success stories.
The local newspaper has an article featuring one of our clients, Kelly Richards. It will also give you all the information you need to get started. The article is at 4200&sand I think the article will be on the home-page until tomorrow.
Best of luck
Received on Tue 03 Jul 2012 07:54:35 PM CDT