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Paper Call

From: Jones, Caroline E <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2012 19:35:34 -0500

Pasted in below, and attached as a Word document, is a Call for Papers for a special issue of The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Litera ture, an online journal. Please direct inquiries to me. I look forward to y our submisssions! Caroline -- Dr. Caroline E. Jones, Editor Alice's Academy The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Literature

Department of English Texas State University-San Marcos San Marcos, TX 78666 512-245-3785

The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Literature


Following the successful 2012 annual conference of the Children's Literatur e Association at Simmons College, the editorial team of The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Literature is pleased to announce that it is soliciting manuscripts for a forthcoming special issue on "Literary Slipst reams." We are seeking manuscripts that explore the ways in which historica l antecedents appear in contemporary texts for children and young adults, t he ways in which literary, media, and popular culture boundaries blur, the ways in which texts build upon one another, and/or the ways in which author s "play" with conventions of genre, their own work, or the work of other au thors. Potential topics may include adaptations, retellings, and/or parodie s; prequels and sequels; fan fiction; or revisions (i.e., of history), but authors are not limited to the "slipstreams" suggested here. While those who presented papers at ChLA are encouraged to submit their pap ers as manuscripts, the call is open to all authors wh o wish to contribute to this special issue. For this special issue, The Looking Glass invites submissions to the follow ing sections: * Alice's Academy, the scholarly refereed section (peer reviewed by a t least two outside readers) (up to 6000 words) * Emerging Voices and New Scholars, the section specifically designed for students and professors to work together in creating publishable schol arship (submissions should be in article format and must be made by a profe ssor with student permission; up to 5000 words) * The Tortoise's Tale, our newest section, focusing on pedagogical pr actice-connecting children, language, and texts. Edited and occasionally re fereed. * Jabberwocky, serious pieces, edited but not refereed * Picture Window, articles dealing specifically with illustration and presentation, edited but not refereed * Curiouser and Curiouser, short and entertaining pieces on any and a ll facets of children's literature

Please send all submissions to , note that your manuscript is being submitted for t his special issue, and state for which column submissions are intended. Sub missions are due January 31, 2012, for publication in our summer 2013 issue .

Submissions to The Tortoise's Tale, Jabberwocky, and Picture Window should be between 2500 and 4000 words and conform to current MLA citation standard s. Submissions to Curiouser and Curiouser must be between 1000 and 3000 wo rds. The Looking Glass cannot accept simultaneous submissions or previousl y published articles. Published articles will be posted on the journal's w ebsite for at least three months, after which time they will be archived on line. For more information, please see: ontribute.html .
Received on Mon 02 Jul 2012 07:35:34 PM CDT