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FW: NY Times link
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From: George Nicholson <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 09:14:53 -0500
Rosa Guy, one of the earliest successful YA writers and few women of color writing for young people at that time, was born in Trinidad before moving t o the United States. Rosa's energy and sense of the larger world was unusu al in those days . She took a joy in writing and presenting her work and sh e did it with sophistication and aplomb. One of her greatest joys was the s uccessful publication of her novels in Great Britain by her long time publi sher Gollancz under the editorship of JoannaGoldsworthy. Rosa always attrib uted her success there to her immigrant status with Commonwealth roots and the uniqueness of those origins in the Harlem of the forties. I loved her joy, her love of the French language, good food and the small luxuries of l ife that her success brought her. Her work should be reexamined and republi shed (even though a couple of novels remain available, though not easily at tainable) She is another giant in the recent chain of losses in the world o f literature for young people. .
Subject: NY Times link
Received on Thu 07 Jun 2012 09:14:53 AM CDT
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 09:14:53 -0500
Rosa Guy, one of the earliest successful YA writers and few women of color writing for young people at that time, was born in Trinidad before moving t o the United States. Rosa's energy and sense of the larger world was unusu al in those days . She took a joy in writing and presenting her work and sh e did it with sophistication and aplomb. One of her greatest joys was the s uccessful publication of her novels in Great Britain by her long time publi sher Gollancz under the editorship of JoannaGoldsworthy. Rosa always attrib uted her success there to her immigrant status with Commonwealth roots and the uniqueness of those origins in the Harlem of the forties. I loved her joy, her love of the French language, good food and the small luxuries of l ife that her success brought her. Her work should be reexamined and republi shed (even though a couple of novels remain available, though not easily at tainable) She is another giant in the recent chain of losses in the world o f literature for young people. .
Subject: NY Times link
Received on Thu 07 Jun 2012 09:14:53 AM CDT