CCBC-Net Archives

Among the missing

From: Ruth I. Gordon <>
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2012 19:06:19 -0700

As I read each obituary and tribute to so many really "big names" in the book business, I first thought about them, and then about those they left behind. Their friends, partners, editors, lovers, all those with whom they worked. I thought about the compass points that those among the living now no longer had. Each death smacks out a point on the compass upon which we depended. I felt--deeply--for them, as one must when faced with loss. Then I thought about all those students of mine over the years who were lost to all of us because of obscene wars. So many of those once-boys and girls--golden youth--who could never fulfill their talents and contributions to all of us. And, believe me, I was awe struck at our losses and sad beyond measure.

All of the headline people whom we memorialize in the N.Y.Times, PW, SLJ, Horn Book, BayViews, and the like, had all run their course, contributed greatly, will always be remembered as their books live. And they all lived long lives and, perhaps, were at the end of their work. As for the once-young we all lost--what a terrible waste and loss. Let's send up a thought to them, too.

Big Grandma (a.k.a., Ruth I, Gordon)
Received on Sun 03 Jun 2012 07:06:19 PM CDT