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June Discussion: Losses and Legacies
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From: Megan Schliesman <>
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 13:02:16 -0500
Please feel free to take the next few days to post your children's and young adult literature-related announcements.
We'll launch our June discussion early next week:
*Losses and Legacies. *The children's literature world sustained too many losses in May 2012: Maurice Sendak, Jean Craighead George, Leo Dillon, Ellen Levine.Each of these four notable creators of books for youth did work that was singular and lasting.During June, we invite you to reflect on their books, their impact, and their legacies.We'll spend the first part of the month focusing on Marucie Sendak and Jean Craighead George, and the second part of the month looking at Leo Dillon and Ellen Levine.
-- Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706
Received on Fri 01 Jun 2012 01:02:16 PM CDT
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 13:02:16 -0500
Please feel free to take the next few days to post your children's and young adult literature-related announcements.
We'll launch our June discussion early next week:
*Losses and Legacies. *The children's literature world sustained too many losses in May 2012: Maurice Sendak, Jean Craighead George, Leo Dillon, Ellen Levine.Each of these four notable creators of books for youth did work that was singular and lasting.During June, we invite you to reflect on their books, their impact, and their legacies.We'll spend the first part of the month focusing on Marucie Sendak and Jean Craighead George, and the second part of the month looking at Leo Dillon and Ellen Levine.
-- Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706
Received on Fri 01 Jun 2012 01:02:16 PM CDT