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The Fine Art of Children's Book Illustration--a Caldecott 75th Anniversary webinar
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From: Schmidt, Tessa M. DPI <>
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 08:39:44 -0500
The second in the Caldecott 75th Anniversary webinar series is The Fine Art of Children's Book Illustration. It takes place September 18, 2012 at 3 p m CST and November 8, 2012 at 3 pm CST. This presentation, lead by picture book and art expert Dilys Evans, focuses on the 10 principles for illustra ting a great picture book. Following each principle there will be illustra tions from children's books to illuminate the principle. The artists featu red range from three time Caldecott medal winner David Wiesner, to Betsy Le win the illustrator of the wildly successful "Click Clack Moo" series, to a more recent Caldecott winner Brian Selznick creator of "The Invention of H ugo Cabret" now an Oscar winning motion picture.
This webinar is free to ALSC members and $55 for non-members, but space is limited. As part of the Caldecott Award's 75th Anniversary, ALSC is offeri ng this webinar to all ALSC members free of charge. If you are an ALSC mem ber you will need your ALA login information to access the registration pag e. On the registration page, please click on the links based on the date yo u would like to register and your membership status. ALSC members should N OT register through the non-member link or you will end up paying for regis tration. Registration information can be found at caldecottwebinar
For more ways to celebrate the Caldecott 75th Anniversary, check out http:/ /
Tessa Michaelson Schmidt Youth and Special Services Consultant Wisconsin DPI, Public Library Development 125 South Webster Street, PO Box 7841 Madison, WI 53707-7841 P: (608) 267-5077 F: (608) 267-9207
Find Like Follow!/WisDPIpubLibDev
Received on Fri 01 Jun 2012 08:39:44 AM CDT
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 08:39:44 -0500
The second in the Caldecott 75th Anniversary webinar series is The Fine Art of Children's Book Illustration. It takes place September 18, 2012 at 3 p m CST and November 8, 2012 at 3 pm CST. This presentation, lead by picture book and art expert Dilys Evans, focuses on the 10 principles for illustra ting a great picture book. Following each principle there will be illustra tions from children's books to illuminate the principle. The artists featu red range from three time Caldecott medal winner David Wiesner, to Betsy Le win the illustrator of the wildly successful "Click Clack Moo" series, to a more recent Caldecott winner Brian Selznick creator of "The Invention of H ugo Cabret" now an Oscar winning motion picture.
This webinar is free to ALSC members and $55 for non-members, but space is limited. As part of the Caldecott Award's 75th Anniversary, ALSC is offeri ng this webinar to all ALSC members free of charge. If you are an ALSC mem ber you will need your ALA login information to access the registration pag e. On the registration page, please click on the links based on the date yo u would like to register and your membership status. ALSC members should N OT register through the non-member link or you will end up paying for regis tration. Registration information can be found at caldecottwebinar
For more ways to celebrate the Caldecott 75th Anniversary, check out http:/ /
Tessa Michaelson Schmidt Youth and Special Services Consultant Wisconsin DPI, Public Library Development 125 South Webster Street, PO Box 7841 Madison, WI 53707-7841 P: (608) 267-5077 F: (608) 267-9207
Find Like Follow!/WisDPIpubLibDev
Received on Fri 01 Jun 2012 08:39:44 AM CDT