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Re: Friendships-variations on a theme

From: Grayson, Nancy J <>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 14:49:02 -0500

Barbara Wersba's The Dreamwatcher is a witty novel about a teen's friendshi p with his elderly neighbor, Mrs. Woodfin (originally published in 1968; re issued, 2004).

Nancy Grayson

On 5/15/12 12:43 PM, "nancegar" wrote:

What a good subject this is, with lots of fine books being mentioned on thi s very important pivotal subject in kids' lives!

One of my favorite "friendship" books--and one of the first, if not actuall y the first, showing a friendship between a young lesbian and a gay boy, i s FNDING H.F. by Julia Watts, in which H.F. (short of Heavenly Failth), who 's in love with an apparently unattainable girl, is joined on her trip to F lorida to find the mother she's never known by her best friend, Bo, and his junky old car. They meet a variety of people along the way, including H., F's mother (not a happy meeting) and including some gay folks like themse lves (a happier meeting), and of course head back home wiser, stronger, sur er of themselves, with expanded definitions of family, and with more hope f or their futures. Sounds simplistic and a bit cliche, I know, but the kids are wo nderful as is their relationship, and their discovery of friendship- love and the strength that can be found in the gay community.

Nancy Garden

Received on Tue 15 May 2012 02:49:02 PM CDT