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One month left to vote in the Children's Choice Book Awards!

From: Nicole Deming <>
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 10:34:18 -0400

Hello -

A quick reminder that voting for the Children's Choice Book Awards, the only national book awards program where the winning titles are selected by children and teens of all ages, closes in 1 month! Encourage all the young readers in your life to make their voices heard by May 3! Young people can cast their votes independently at , or you can tally and enter kids' votes from your classroom or library as a group at . Winners will be announced live at a gala celebration kicking off Children's Book Week (May 7-13) in NYC!

. Learn

about the finalist selection process

. Read excerpts

from this year's finalists

. Check out the 2012 Digital Toolkit

, featuring everything you need to help spread the word: a voting widget, "I Voted" badges, and more!

Read and vote!

All best,



Nicole Deming | Communications Manager

The Children's Book Council, Inc. & Every Child a Reader, Inc.

54 West 39th St., Floor 14 | New York, NY 10018

(p) 212.966.1990, x303 | (f) 212.966.2073 |

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Vote for the Children's Choice Book Awards!

Voting open through May 3rd!

Celebrate Children's Book Week

May 7 - 13, 2012
Received on Wed 04 Apr 2012 10:34:18 AM CDT