CCBC-Net Archives

photo research

From: Leda Schubert <>
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 08:41:51 -0400

I agree with those who have discussed the advantages of writers doing their own photo research. Some of Marc's posts didn't come through in digest form, so I hope I'm not repeating too much.

For my forthcoming pb bio of Marcel Marceau (Porter/Roaring Brook, September), I managed to find what I hope is the perfect photograph for the end notes, and I found it through the personal Vermont connections that developed as I researched the book. It was a moment of glorious serendipity, and I can't imagine a photo researcher would ever have located this particular image. It's not of the highest resolution, but it expresses what I wanted it to say. So for me it's a combination of the perfect photo AND the story, subtext, thematic material, mood, point of view, and everything else that goes into the words on the page.

In addition, doing that research is a necessary part, for me, of understanding my work. For an unpublished picture book about Raven Wilkinson, the first black ballerina in a major troupe, it was a photo of Raven dancing that first drew me to her.

I am, however, a lousy negotiator.

Received on Sun 01 Apr 2012 08:41:51 AM CDT