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Re: question for all of you who review, or teach, NF
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From: Nancy Tolson <>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 15:42:44 -0400
I am teaching a nonfiction children№s literature course this summer. I teac h every year a children№s literature course which is quite inclusive in the intricacies of both the text and the illustration because after all they are both important. Illustrations for children are actually what sells a book. For me it doesn№t matter whether it is fiction or nonfiction, as educators we have to look at both. It is actually more important when it is nonfiction, for example, Russell Freedman№s Lincoln: A Photobiography is used as my example on the importance of images whether it be photos or draw n art in biographies. I value how a biographer for children can attract their interest. THAT is a talent!!! For me it is a special gift.
When I am teaching my future educators I make sure to emphasize how a nonfiction book MUST be a balanced work of art. It must educate, inspire, and yes, entertain the interest of the young reader.
Received on Sat 31 Mar 2012 03:42:44 PM CDT
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 15:42:44 -0400
I am teaching a nonfiction children№s literature course this summer. I teac h every year a children№s literature course which is quite inclusive in the intricacies of both the text and the illustration because after all they are both important. Illustrations for children are actually what sells a book. For me it doesn№t matter whether it is fiction or nonfiction, as educators we have to look at both. It is actually more important when it is nonfiction, for example, Russell Freedman№s Lincoln: A Photobiography is used as my example on the importance of images whether it be photos or draw n art in biographies. I value how a biographer for children can attract their interest. THAT is a talent!!! For me it is a special gift.
When I am teaching my future educators I make sure to emphasize how a nonfiction book MUST be a balanced work of art. It must educate, inspire, and yes, entertain the interest of the young reader.
Received on Sat 31 Mar 2012 03:42:44 PM CDT