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Non-fiction for middle-grade readers
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From: Mary Losure <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 16:58:04 -0500
Subject: Non-fiction (middle grade): Narrative and information
I think children like to read about other children, which is why they of ten turn to fiction when reading for pleasure.
My hope is that true stories (not fictionalized in any way, with KIDS as their main characters) may be something that children will read for pleasur e -- and pick up information about the real world in the process. What do y ou think?
Can other readers of this list think of examples of this kind of book for m iddle grade readers? Not historical fiction, not books "based on" a true story, but straight non-fiction that tells a story -- with a child or ch ildren as central characters-- the way a novel does? Mary Losure author, The Fairy Ring, or Elsie and Frances Fool the World NON fiction, Candlewick, March 2012 A Junior Library Guild Selection
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 16:58:04 -0500
Subject: Non-fiction (middle grade): Narrative and information
I think children like to read about other children, which is why they of ten turn to fiction when reading for pleasure.
My hope is that true stories (not fictionalized in any way, with KIDS as their main characters) may be something that children will read for pleasur e -- and pick up information about the real world in the process. What do y ou think?
Can other readers of this list think of examples of this kind of book for m iddle grade readers? Not historical fiction, not books "based on" a true story, but straight non-fiction that tells a story -- with a child or ch ildren as central characters-- the way a novel does? Mary Losure author, The Fairy Ring, or Elsie and Frances Fool the World NON fiction, Candlewick, March 2012 A Junior Library Guild Selection
---Received on Tue 20 Mar 2012 04:58:04 PM CDT