CCBC-Net Archives

Core Standards Non-fiction

From: Killeen, Erlene <Erlene.Killeen_at_Stoughton.K12.WI.US>
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 08:09:13 -0600

In response to this question: "Can you shed any light on the thinking behind the mandate?"

One of the reasons for this push is that each subject content area has its own type of reading -- reading scientific research, for example, and the th inking is that students need to be exposed and learn to read for informatio n at a much earlier age. That those skills need to be steadily built so th at in upper grades and beyond the student is able to independently "read to learn."

Erlene Bishop Killeen Stoughton Area Schools 1601 West South Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-877-5181
Received on Wed 07 Mar 2012 08:09:13 AM CST