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Fwd: K and L

Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 15:44:15 -0500 (EST)

As far as I know there only two MLIS level courses that focus on informatio nal materials for K-12: Susan Bloom teaches one at Simmons, and I have one at Rutgers. This semester we were fortunate to have Dr. Betty Carter as a g uest and she made a point that relates to this disucssion: there are two ki nds of nonfiction author for K-12: "knowers" and "learners." The K author k nows something which s/he finds the most engaging way to pass on to readers . The L author is excited by the process of discovery, and it is the thrill of that quest s/he aims to transmit. Betty's disctinction is so important b/c while in fiction have all kinds of tools for matching patrons with the particular genre or author like like, in NF we tend to act as if the link i s by subject: dinos, Vikings, cars, pets, American History, etc. instead of by style, voice, treatment, or authorial approach. I hope that as we sugge st books that respond to Megan's query we keep in mind Betty's distinction, and start to categorize NF as much by ap proach and style as by subject. (I realize biography and memoir are NF genres, but that still does not define authorial stance)

Marc Aronson
Received on Fri 02 Mar 2012 03:44:15 PM CST