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Re: March Topic: It's Not Just the Facts

From: Nell Fleming <>
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 11:22:24 -0600


A book that I purchased this year called Crystals by Richard and Louise Spilsbury in a series called Let's Rock

has been a hit with a wide range of readers. The motivation behind purchasing it was the cover shot

showing a fairly recent discovery underground of gigantic sized crystals never before seen in a barely habitable environment deeper in the ground than man tends to travel. I saw an article on this in one of my my daughters' magazines and it was just the story for a die hard science fiction fan. A real to life journey the the center of the earth story! These are in some caves in Mexico. When I saw it on the cover of this book I grabbed it up right away.

This book really flew off the shelf. It is a good bridge from Fiction to Non-fiction or vice versa. This is the first time in my lifetime that I can remember a discovery of anything really big being discovered here on our planet. I've always envied explorers prior to the nineteenth century discovering new lands and waters and space. This was very exciting to read about. (

Nell Fleming Librarian WSD Library 309 Walworth Ave Delavan, WI 53115 (262) 728-7133 v/tty
Received on Fri 02 Mar 2012 11:22:24 AM CST