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Re: Cover Art

From: Lyn Miller-Lachmann <>
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 14:50:51 -0500

I second Sheila in pointing out that the smaller the publisher, the more sa y the author has in cover art. When Gringolandia was in production, I was a ble to recommend a graphic artist to design the cover, even though Curbston e Press regularly used a different designer. The designer I recommended, Gu illermo Prado, was like my protagonist's father a political prisoner under the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile. The image he used on the cover was an a bandoned swimming pool at a former torture center now part a human rights m useum in Santiago.

When he came up with the design, it was not without controversy at Curbston e. Some felt it was too dark, and I'd have to say it was a bold move to put an actual instrument of torture on a YA book cover.

Here's a link to the full "cover story": r_stories_gringolandia_by/

Lyn Miller-Lachmann

On Feb 9, 2012, at 2:10 PM, Sheila Welch wrote:


As Norma Jean pointed out, authors usually have very little or no say in the decisions about cover art (really dust jacket art). I remember hearing Gary Paulsen talk about a mistake in the depiction of the dog team on the jacket of one of his books. More than design and appeal are at stake from t he author's perspective. At an ALA conference many years ago, Eve Bunting s aid that she is often thrilled by the art for her books, but sometimes she goes in the bathroom and "has a good cry."

Working with smaller presses can give an author a bit of power. When a bo ok of mine was at the jacket art stage for Cricket Books, I was shown the r ough color sketch. The illustrator had depicted the twin boys with red hair . Although their hair color isn't mentioned in the text, I objected, and th e boys appeared with the dark hair I'd intended in the final art. The art d irector and designer at namelos, Helen Robinson, sent me three jacket/cover mockups for Waiting to Forget. I loved them all. I think the one we chose to be used on the jacket and cover of the paperback is perfect for this boo k.
Received on Thu 09 Feb 2012 02:50:51 PM CST