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Re: Definition
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Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 13:27:30 -0500 (EST)
Does Poetry truly NEED a definition? What is the definition of a picture book, a novel, an ethnic book.. a book?
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In a message dated 1/27/2012 1:23:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
If Lee could provide a definition of "poetry" that reaches consensus perhaps we might discuss the subject with some objectivity. And... no, the lady in white from Amherst's definition will not do.
Big Grandma Who admires Lee for his persistence
Sent from my iPad
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 13:27:30 -0500 (EST)
Does Poetry truly NEED a definition? What is the definition of a picture book, a novel, an ethnic book.. a book?
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In a message dated 1/27/2012 1:23:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
If Lee could provide a definition of "poetry" that reaches consensus perhaps we might discuss the subject with some objectivity. And... no, the lady in white from Amherst's definition will not do.
Big Grandma Who admires Lee for his persistence
Sent from my iPad
---Received on Fri 27 Jan 2012 01:27:30 PM CST