CCBC-Net Archives

Graphic Novel Placesment

From: Heidi Nowicki <>
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 08:46:03 -0600

While I support the decision to organize graphic novels with subject area and in fiction, I made the decision to break out the graphic novels into their own graphic novel section last spring. I found that the students who need them most (the reluctant readers who may be intimidated by shelves and shelves of books) feel most comfortable coming in and knowing exactly where to go to find something that appeals to them. Though my offerings in nonfiction graphic format are not as numerous as my fiction titles, I also organize these with the graphic fiction according to Dewey Decimal, too. The students can browse and check out titles that perhaps would not have interested them if they were with the other nonfiction books and learn something about history, too.

For my kids, it works. The graphic novels are getting circulated, and kids who would never make a book request ("Mrs. Nowicki, would you please get
_________?") are starting to ask for titles and series to be added.

Because I also have some easy chairs next to the graphic novels, it's become a favorite place for my strong readers to hang out and read graphic novels, too.

Heidi H. Nowicki

Library Media Specialist, grades 6-12

Tomorrow River School District

357 Main St.

Amherst, WI 54406

Phone: 715.824.5522

FAX: 715.824.5454

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Received on Wed 07 Dec 2011 08:46:03 AM CST