CCBC-Net Archives

How much...?

From: Ruth I. Gordon <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16:37:08 -0800

Anyone recall what happened to "Hiroshima No Pika" (sorry about spelling, etc.)?

It received, I believe, accolades and even an award or two. The publisher and editor also received big ugly responses about the illustration of a woman whose clothing had been seared off by the heat. After all, to some a naked woman was more distressing than the atomic holocaust.

So...what do we tell our children?

What about those who objected to "The Upstairs Room" because the good man, the farmer, did not use "nice" language.

These are great points for discussion, if we will discuss with the young people.

...and there are far too many more of this nature. the "pure" seek to purify all of us.

Big Grandma (neither pure nor impure)
Received on Sat 19 Nov 2011 04:37:08 PM CST