CCBC-Net Archives

"How much...."

From: Ruth I. Gordon <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 15:56:03 -0800

I do not recall saying anything about liking or not liking "Devil's." People who know me are aware of my mantra: I neither like nor dislike a book. I treat it as an aesthetic object and try to analyze it, not establish an emotional attachment.

Nor do I know who edited the book or who published it-- not that it matters, really. Nor did I have a rabbi's wife as a reader but did loan the book to some survivors (who always preferred to be called "victors") some of whom strongly objected to pulling the girl from one door and into her present life.

However, I am delighted to have caused discussion since CCBC serves to inform and to produce it.

Grandma (Ruth I. Gordon)
Received on Sat 19 Nov 2011 03:56:03 PM CST