CCBC-Net Archives

Social Justice & Class in Children's & Y.A. Books

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 15:04:50 -0600

I agree with all who have appreciated the topic of social justice and CLASS. I also agree with everyone who has suggested ALL of Vera B. Williams' books (especially "Scooter," "Lucky Song," and the Bread & Roses quartet.)

Someone else recommended Susan Patron's Hard Pan trilogy, and though I'm late in doing so, I also applaud this suggestion.

It occurs to me that Lynne Rae Perkins' books haven't been mentioned yet.

Neither has Laurel Croza & Matt James' exquisite little Canadian picture book "I Know Here" (EJK and Horn Book Awards).

Canadian author Deb Ellis approaches global issues about kids, poverty and injustice.

Look once again at many of Katherine Paterson's novels.

Nonfiction author Ann Bausum consistently addresses historic justice events and issues.

One last remark - The annual Jane Addams Children's Book Awards honor books with peace and justice themes and topics. For more information, go to the Jane Addams Peace Association website,

We all have much reading or rereading to do in light of the important dialogue within the CCBC-Net community so far this month.

Peace, Ginny

Ginny Moore Kruse
Received on Tue 15 Nov 2011 03:04:50 PM CST