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RE: Social Justice and Publishers/"social justice novels?"

From: Nancy Bo Flood <>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 14:55:41 -0700

I want to add that a book is entertaining when the story becomes "real" and the reader becomes immersed into a particular story world - fantasy or contemporary. A good book takes us outside the boundaries of our lives to other places, times and situations. We (whatever age) can experience and learn, rehearse, or re-think. The emotional component o f a good story is not only entertaining, not only educational, but something much more powerful, it is experiential. We remember those stories - those characters - that make us cry, laugh or wonder. And we learn.

Nancy Bo Flood

Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 11:59:38 -0800 From:

I know I'm supposed to edit out the previous post, but this is just too good not to repeat. So often when parents want books on honesty, or lyin g, or bullying, or responsibility, or whatever lesson they want their child taught in one neat little package, it is very hard to get them to understand that's what children literature is: a way in an entertaining for mat for kids to learn about life and about themselves. Added to the example s set by friends, family and the community; not a textbook or self-help DVD.

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Received on Sat 12 Nov 2011 02:55:41 PM CST