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Christopher Columbus

From: Debbie Reese <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 06:42:03 -0700

Given the age group, there is a natural tendency to think they are beyond picture books, but I think your goal invites an excellent study of two picture books. One is Jane Yolen's ENCOUNTER, which Jean Mendoza critiqued alongside Thomas King's A COYOTE COLUMBUS STORY. Your students can read Jean's essay and the two books and discuss her critiques. It would be a fascinating study, one, I think, worthy of a publication. Jean's essay is in A BROKEN FLUTE, edited by Doris Seale and Beverly Slapin.


Debbie Reese, Ph.D. Tribally enrolled: Nambe Pueblo

Publisher of American Indians in Children's Literature

Twitter:!/debreese Email:
Received on Fri 11 Nov 2011 06:42:03 AM CST