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FW: books about Christopher Columbus from Native Perspectives

From: Janet Caporale <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 20:56:20 -0500

Michael Dorris' book, Morning Girl, ends with the arrival of Columbus. It is eery with what we as readers know happens next. There are diary entr ies from Columbus' journals and those of the crew that describe the Tainos and that first contact. What readers come to know through the diaries and t he book emerges in very different terms through very different lenses. Whi le not a challenging read for middle school students, the ending demands critical thinking!

Jan Knapp-Caporale Reading Specialist Wright College Chicago, Il.

From: Fred Kirchner
 Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 11:21 AM Subject: RE:
 books about Christopher Columbus from Native Persp ectives


I'm a teen librarian in Dayton, OH. A middle school social studies teacher asked me for books about the disco very of the 'New World' by Columbus in the 15th c. She was especially interested in collecting bo oks that looked at the event from the perspective of the indigenous populat ions encountered by early Europeans--like the Taino Indians.

I am familiar with Jane Yolen's excellent book, Encounter. As was the t eacher.

I am hoping to have a book list with more than one title.

Any suggestions?
Received on Thu 10 Nov 2011 08:56:20 PM CST