CCBC-Net Archives

Books for Native American Month

From: Debbie Reese <>
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2011 08:53:43 -0500

Good morning,

Though I find it problematic to observe any demographic in a specific month (it suggests we do not have to pay attention to them the rest of the time), I also recognize that many of you are working with teachers who are doing studies of American Indians this month. In the spirit of helping you help those teachers find books that accurately portray American Indians, I'm writing to point you to five book/resource lists available at American Indians in Children's Literature.

To get to the lists, go to and look at the far right column under the IF YOU'RE STARTING A LIBRARY... section. There, you'll see:

Top Board Books for Babies Top Ten Books for Elem School Top Ten Books for Middle School Top Ten Books for High School Top Books/Resource about Boarding Schools

Please share this email and the lists with your patrons, friends, colleagues, and parents. And, please excuse cross-listings.

Thank you, Debbie

Debbie Reese, Ph.D. Tribally enrolled: Nambe Pueblo

Publisher of American Indians in Children's Literature

Twitter:!/debreese Email:
Received on Tue 01 Nov 2011 08:53:43 AM CDT