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School stories -- boarding schools

From: Melissa Henderson <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:05:23 -0500

As a young reader in a small Midwestern town in which I walked to school, quite literally over the river and through the woods, I learned about the wider world through books and books and books. I was then, and still am, fascinated by the boarding school story. So exotic and different from my experience - the idea of sharing a room with someone other than your sister ! Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a communal setting. Writing letters to mom and dad. And so on.

Some of my favorite boarding school stories are:

The "Ur" story - Madeleine by Bemelmans

The Fog Comes in on Little Pig Feet by Rosemary Wells - a wonderful YA "problem" novel of the early 1970s - Rachel, a Brooklynite and talented pianist, is an outsider at a snooty boarding school.

Bloomability by Sharon Creech - Dinnie Doone is pulled out of her somewhat haphazard home life and into an Swiss boarding school run by her aunt and uncle. Dinnie has a positive experience, meeting students and making friends from around the world

Viola in Reel Life by Adriana Trigiani - Viola, like Rachel, hails from Brooklyn and is sent to boarding school against her wishes. While challenge d by the experience, she ends up finding her place.

I haven't read The Fog since I was a girl (10? 11?) - I've ILLed it to see what I think today. I still remember a character named Ebie Faber, her father was the scion of the Eberhardt Faber pencil fortune. Odd the little things that stick with you.


Melissa Henderson

Head of Children's Services

Glencoe Public Library

320 Park Avenue, Glencoe, IL 60022

Received on Wed 07 Sep 2011 01:05:23 PM CDT