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CFP Reminder: Children's Periodicals panel

From: Patrick Cox <>
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2011 10:56:28 -0400

CFP Reminder

Panel: “Fun With a Purpose”: Periodical Pedagogy and Early Edutainm ent

Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) 43nd Annual Convention,

March 15-18, 2012

Rochester, New York – Hyatt Rochester

Host Institution: St. John Fisher College

Panel Description:

Children’s periodicals published in the US over the last 300 years prov id e a wealth of textual and visual insight into US culture, pedagogy, and conceptions of childhood. The movement of traditional paper magazines to websites, from print on paper to digital content, both enriches and complicates this genre.

This panel will engage with this under-examined body of texts in their most salient mode: as pedagogy. Children’s magazines have been used as instructional tools with lessons spanning literacy, manners, morality, crafts, citizenship, “mental hygiene,” and beyond, transmitting end urin g lessons in an ephemeral format. By packaging their lessons in an entertaining and disposable blend of fiction, non-fiction, images, activities, games, jokes, and riddles, these magazines can be considered a print medium variety of (or precursor to?) “edutainment.” They are, as the motto of *Highlights for Children* puts it, “Fun with a purpose.” T his panel is open to explorations of particular mechanisms, contents, and contexts of periodical pedagogy past and present, including examinations of child-readers’ participation in, subversion against, or re-creation of, t hat pedagogy.

Possible topics from all disciplines may include:

- histories or analysis of particular children’s periodicals - pedagogies in periodicals (ideological, curricular, religious, etc.) - convergences of traditional magazines and digital media - pedagogy, periodicals, and power - magazines produced by children - fiction and poetry in magazines - use of periodicals in classrooms - transnational periodicals - accidental pedagogy - production, distribution, and circulation of pedagogy - cross-cultural comparisons of periodical pedagogy - marginalia and ephemera - pedagogy in the home (or doctor’s office waiting room) - periodical pedagogy as pop culture - children’s responses to and uses of magazines - periodicals and/or their auxiliary products in the marketplace

Please send 500-word abstracts to Patrick Cox at b y Sept 30. Thanks.

NeMLA Conference link:

Patrick Cox PhD Student Department of Childhood Studies, Rutgers University

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." Camus

"Don't let your studies interfere with your education." Henry Rutgers

"the jUdges of nOrmalitY are present everywhere." of course
Received on Tue 06 Sep 2011 10:56:28 AM CDT