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Boston-Globe Horn Book Awards

From: Megan Schliesman <>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 12:39:19 -0500

One more announcement, posted for The Horn Book :

HBAS 2011

HBAS 2011

*Boston Globe--Horn Book Awards Ceremony**
**and****Horn Book at Simmons One-Day Colloquium**

**September 30 & October 1, 2011* | *Boston, MA*

*The Boston Globe--Horn Book Award winners are in---are you?*The

countdown is on to the 2011 Boston Globe--Horn Book Awards ceremony and reception and the Horn Book at Simmons one-day colloquium.


This year we're exploring "Engaging Worlds, Real and Imagined" with presenters including the winning and honor book authors and illustrators as well as your favorite Horn Book staff and Simmons College faculty.


*The Boston Globe--Horn Book Awards** **Friday, September 30, 2011** **5:30 PM--8:00 PM*

*Horn Book at Simmons Colloquium** **Saturday, October 1, 2011** **8:30 AM--5:00 PM*

Presented annually since 1967, the Boston Globe--Horn Book Awards are among the most prestigious honors in the field of children's and young adult literature. The winners and honor books, which were announced on June 6, 2011, are selected from three categories: Picture Books, Fiction and Poetry, and Nonfiction. Simmons College hosts the Friday evening awards ceremony with honoree acceptance speeches, a celebratory reception, and autographing of award-winning books.

Back by popular demand, on Saturday the second annual Horn Book at Simmons will bring together librarians, educators, and children's literature professionals to examine the Boston Globe--Horn Book Award winners. The day includes talks and speakers' panels exploring how books for children and teens engage real and imagined worlds. Small group sessions will engage participants in seminar discussions about reading, teaching, and thinking about the 2011 Boston Globe--Horn Book Award winners .



*Full schedule of events coming soon.* Please continue to check back for updates!

*Click here* to see all winners of the 2011 Boston Globe--Horn Book Awards.

Simmons College 300 The Fenway Boston, Massachusetts 02113 **



/"Wonderful breakout sessions!"//

/"I'll recommend this to colleagues for next year! Can't wait."/

/"Great speakers, a lovely combination of critical thought and practice."/

/"Hope you do it again next year. What a treat."/

/"I loved meeting new colleagues, the group sessions were fantastic, and I appreciated the opportunity to learn and grow professionally---it was


/"...excellent speakers and a chance to put theory into practice!"//


Fiction winner Rebecca Stead (right) and her editor, Wendy Lamb

2011 BGHB chair Jen Brabander with Raina Telgemeier and her husband Dave Roman

Laurel Croza and Matt James, 2010 picture book winners

Peter Sis, illustrator of /The Dreamer/, which was a 2010 BGHB honor book for fiction

*Full highlights from the 2010 Horn Book at Simmons Colloquium *

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*Questions?*Contact ** , or call 888-628-0225.

Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706

Received on Fri 02 Sep 2011 12:39:19 PM CDT