CCBC-Net Archives

Save the date -- OKI Children's Literature Conference!

From: Linda Leopold Strauss <>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 18:36:44 -0400

Ohio Kentucky Indiana Children's Literature Conference - Save the date!

The 2011 OKI Children's Literature Conference will be held Saturday, November 5, 2011, at Thomas More College in Crestview Hills, KY. The 2011 conference will be a full day conference, featuring authors, Ingrid Law and Keiko Kasza, as keynote speakers. Additional information about the conference including workshop sessions, tentative schedule of the day, and registration information is now available on the OKI website at . Early bird registration is $75.00 through October 21, 2011.
Received on Thu 04 Aug 2011 06:36:44 PM CDT