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Re: Serial Reader: Popular Series Fiction

From: Susan Kusel <>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 12:50:01 -0700 (PDT)

Hi KT,    All three series are in the process of being reissued. I really like the new covers for The Babysitters Club, and as someone mentioned , the holographic new covers for the Animorphs are  a real draw. It's gre at to see these series find traction again... and great for the libraries t hat can finally let their old, ragged, worn-out copies go and get new ones.

________________________________ From: K.T. Horning=

To: Cc: Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 3:16 PM Subject: Re:
 Serial Reader: Popular Series Fiction

Lisa, that is so interesting about the resurgence of Babysitters Club, Goosebumps and Animorphs. Have they been reissued, o r are kids finding the old ones? Boxcar Children seems to have its fans in every generation.

And yes to bringing back Einstein Anderson!

KTOn 8/4/2011 1:15 PM, Lisa Von Drasek wrote:
   I am seeing a resurgence of Babysitters Club, Goosebumps, Animorphs and Boxcar Children.
Received on Thu 04 Aug 2011 12:50:01 PM CDT