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Harry Potter Movie (slight spoiler)

From: Ruth Quiroa <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 20:42:57 -0500

Hello, I stayed up late in Heredia, Costa Rica, with a group of my husband's study abroad undergraduate students (ages 19-20) and two of my own daughters age s 17 and 14. The energy on the way to the theater was palpable. I didn't re alize how excited college-age students could be over a movie. When it opene d with the title in Spanish I held my breath because this was one of the on ly movies I have ever wanted to see in its original linguistic form, rather than the target language of the country. The rest of the movie had subtitl es and the crowd was wonderful--ooing and clapping together. Many shushed t he crowd at times, and it felt like a very wonderful community experience. One woman next to my daughter cried throughout the second half of the movie , as did one of our students.

As I walked out of the theater at 2:30 am this morning I could only respond with the phrase, "just right." The viewer had to think, to infer meaning, and draw on the book itself to really attain the multiple layers of meaning in this movie. My 17-year old only critiqued the war scene as she thought it was watered down too much, whereas the 14-year old was ecstatic with the entire move, as well as dizzy from the extended time under the effects of 3-D glasses. I still hold that it was "just right" given the range of ages watching this movie.

I am looking forward to seeing the movie again in the theater when I return to the States in August because I want to re-view and linger on some scene s, particularly those with images reflective of previous movies and textual themes. (SPOILER: I was particularly impressed with the full circle of Vol demort's demise (movie 1 and final movie).

Ruth Quiroa


Ruth E. Quiroa, Ph.D. Associate Professor Reading & Language Department Language & Literacy Education Program Coordinator National College of Education National Louis University Phone & Fax: 630-874-4563 Email:
Received on Fri 15 Jul 2011 08:42:57 PM CDT