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From: Megan Schliesman <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 13:07:07 -0500


Harry Potter and the Final Farewell. With the release of the last Harry Potter movie on July 15 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2), a significant chapter in children's literature is coming to its close . . . or is it? The Harry Potter books helped define a generation of children's relationship to books and reading, and their effect on the publishing world was no less significant. Throughout July, we invite you to reflect on the lasting impact of the Harry Potter books on children and the children's literature world. And once the movie comes out, feel free to share your thoughts on Harry Potter's final foray on film.


First Half of Month: Serial Reader: Popular Series Fiction. Every generation of readers has its own fond memories of the series books they couldn't get enough of. From "Nancy Drew" to "The Babysitter's Club," "The Hardy Boys" to "Goosebumps," "Trixie Belden" to "Cirque du Freak." What series books are popular with kids and teens today? And which series were you addicted to as a young reader? During the first half of August, we invite you to share your series stories.

Second Half of Month: Lessons in YA Literature. It seems a given that a good young adult novel should tell a good story. But should it teach a lesson, too? A recent New York Times review thought so. (LINK?) During the second half of August, we'll explore varying expectations for young adult literature, and how novels traversing the complex realities of adolescent lives fulfill them---or not.


-- Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706

Received on Tue 05 Jul 2011 01:07:07 PM CDT