CCBC-Net Archives

ccbc-net digest: July 01, 2011

From: Laura Pitts <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 00:27:07 +0000 (GMT)

CCBC-NET Digest for Friday, July 01, 2011.

1. ALSC Summer 2011 Online Education 2. CFP--The Looking Glass 3. Global Reading


Subject: ALSC Summer 2011 Online Education From: Dan Rude Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2011 09:18:31 -0400 X-Message-Number: 1

Starting on July 11, ALSC offers five great choices for professional development seekers. The five courses are run asynchronously, meaning that you great a great learning experience that's centered around your schedule.

Information Literacy - From Preschool to High School

Instructor: Maryann Mori, July 11 - August 19

The Newbery Medal: Past, Present and Future

Instructor: Kathleen T. Hornung, July 11 - August 19

Out of This World Youth Programming

Instructor: Angela Young, July 11 - August 19

Reading Instruction and Children's Books

Instructor: Katherine (Kate) Todd, July 11 - August 12

Series Programming for the Elementary School Age

Instructor: Lisa M. Shaia, July 11 - August 5

And for those of you thinking way past August, check out ALSC's fall schedule of online courses

, just recently announced. These courses will run from September 2011 to November 2011.

ALSC is also offering two convenient webinars coming in July. These webinars run one-to-two hours and are a great way to catch up on research and programming ideas.

Leveling Easy Readers

Instructor: Katherine (Kate) Todd

Thursday, July 7, 2011 _at_ 1 PM CT (2 PM ET, 12 PM MT, 11 AM PT)

Family Programs on a Shoestring _at_ your library

Instructor: Angela Young

Friday, July 22, 2011 _at_ 12 PM CT (1 PM ET, 11 AM MT, 10 AM PT)

Detailed descriptions and registration information is on the ALSC website at For more information, contact ALSC Program Officer Jenny Najduch at or 800-545-2433 ext. 4026.

Dan Rude

Membership/Marketing Specialist

Association for Library Service to Children



Subject: CFP--The Looking Glass From: "Jones, Caroline E" Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2011 09:08:46 -0500 X-Message-Number: 2

The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Literature invites submissions to all columns and sections for a special issue:

New Media Submission deadline: 31 October 2011 Publication date: January/February 2012

Critical, reflective, inquiring, and entertaining articles are welcomed for a special issue on the changing nature of children's and adolescents' "books". This is a growing, turbulent, and dynamic area of children's literature and culture, ripe with possibility. From "Choose Your Own Adventure" to "The 39 Clues," this issue will explore the myriad ways in which children's literature and technology intersect, and how that intersection changes the literature, the reader, and maybe even the tech.

Suggested topics and approaches include, but are not limited to: * E-books * Book-film-animation translation * Blogging serials * Fan-sites and fan fiction * Publishing and marketing trends such as * Smart phone apps * LeapFrogВ® * Multi-platform marketing

The Looking Glass seeks submissions for all sections, with a special emphasis on: Alice's Academy: formal, refereed academic articles Emerging Voices: academic papers from previously unpublished critics and students Jabberwocky: serious pieces, edited but not refereed Curiouser and Curiouser: short and entertaining pieces on any and all facets of children's literature.

Please visit our home page: Send submissions to and state for which column they are intended.

-- Dr. Caroline E. Jones, Editor Alice's Academy The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Literature

Department of English Texas State University-San Marcos San Marcos, TX 78666 512-245-3785


Subject: Global Reading From: Linda Pavonetti Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2011 17:48:15 -0400 X-Message-Number: 3

I'd like to suggest USBBY's three—but soon to be four— book series, "Bridges to Understanding" to those who might not be aware of it. The new edition will be available in late September and is called *Bridges to Understanding: Envisioning the World through Children's Books* edited by Linda M. Pavonetti (Scarecrow, 2011). Each of the books reviews children's books, with some YA award winners, that were originally published outside the US or that substantially add to the understanding of other nations, their people, and customs. The new book has more than 700 reviews by librarians, teachers, and academics. The previous three are: * Boundaries with Children's Books* edited by Doris Gebel (Scarecrow, 2006)
*--The World through Children's Books* edited by Susan Stan (Scarecrow,

2002) and
*--Children's Books from Other Countries* edited by Cal Tomlinson

(Scarecrow, 1998). Linda

Linda M. Pavonetti, Ed.D., Associate Professor Vice President, International Board on Books for Young People— Oakland University, Department of Reading Office: 460 C Pawley Hall 2200 N. Squirrel Road, Rochester, MI 48309-4401 248-370-4683 248-370-4367 fax

Check it out! *Authors & Illustrators 2011* web site is active! В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В –В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В– В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В – Interested in promoting international understanding and good will through books for children and teens? *Join United States Board on Books for Young People—*

Linda M. Pavonetti, Ed.D., Associate Professor Vice President, International Board on Books for Young People— Oakland University, Department of Reading Office: 460 C Pawley Hall 2200 N. Squirrel Road, Rochester, MI 48309-4401 248-370-4683 248-370-4367 fax

Check it out! *Authors & Illustrators 2011* web site is active! В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В –В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В– В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В–В – Interested in promoting international understanding and good will through books for children and teens? *Join United States Board on Books for Young People—*

Received on Tue 05 Jul 2011 12:27:07 AM CDT