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Institue: Teaching Through International Storytelling & Bookmaking
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From: Ruth Quiroa <>
Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 01:59:31 -0500
National Louis University Center for Teaching through Children’s Books
Summer Institute: 2011
Register Now for: “Teaching Through International Storytelling and Bookmaking” with Anne Pellowski
SCIRA is sponsoring the June 20 Storytelling and Dessert evening at the Cen ter for Teaching through Children's Books (CTCB). CTCB will offer a June 21 one-day institute for teachers, librarians, storytellers, and children's b ooks authors and illustrators at the North Shore campus of National Louis U niversity.
Be part of this exciting Institute with eminent storyteller and book maker Anne Pellowski. Learn new stories and ways to create books drawing on vario us cultures in your classroom. Presenters also include local storytellers: Rives Collins, Kathleen Rauth, Anne Shimojima, & Jane Stenson, and bookmake rs: Laura Montenegro & Ann Speltz.
Cost: $100 per person (includes the Institute registration fee and lunch). A reduced registration fee is available for groups. CPDUs will be available for both the evening and daytime sessions.
When and Where: 7:00-8:30 p.m., June 20 & 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., June 21, 201 1. National Louis University, 5202 Old Orchard Road, Suite 300, Skokie IL 6 0077-4409. The presenters’ books will be available for purchase at the In stitute
Course Credit Option: Participants who wish to earn course credit, can regi ster at a special reduced rate for a 1 - 2 s.h. mixed delivery course taugh t by Junko Yokota. For course information, please contact Maria Taylor at or 224.233.2390.
Registration: To register for the Institute, please contact Maria Taylor at or 224.233.2390.
The Center for Teaching through Children’s Books is dedicated to excellen ce in teaching with quality literature for children and adolescents.
Junko Yokota & Gail Bush, Directors; Toby Rajput, Librarian
Received on Sun 29 May 2011 01:59:31 AM CDT
Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 01:59:31 -0500
National Louis University Center for Teaching through Children’s Books
Summer Institute: 2011
Register Now for: “Teaching Through International Storytelling and Bookmaking” with Anne Pellowski
SCIRA is sponsoring the June 20 Storytelling and Dessert evening at the Cen ter for Teaching through Children's Books (CTCB). CTCB will offer a June 21 one-day institute for teachers, librarians, storytellers, and children's b ooks authors and illustrators at the North Shore campus of National Louis U niversity.
Be part of this exciting Institute with eminent storyteller and book maker Anne Pellowski. Learn new stories and ways to create books drawing on vario us cultures in your classroom. Presenters also include local storytellers: Rives Collins, Kathleen Rauth, Anne Shimojima, & Jane Stenson, and bookmake rs: Laura Montenegro & Ann Speltz.
Cost: $100 per person (includes the Institute registration fee and lunch). A reduced registration fee is available for groups. CPDUs will be available for both the evening and daytime sessions.
When and Where: 7:00-8:30 p.m., June 20 & 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., June 21, 201 1. National Louis University, 5202 Old Orchard Road, Suite 300, Skokie IL 6 0077-4409. The presenters’ books will be available for purchase at the In stitute
Course Credit Option: Participants who wish to earn course credit, can regi ster at a special reduced rate for a 1 - 2 s.h. mixed delivery course taugh t by Junko Yokota. For course information, please contact Maria Taylor at or 224.233.2390.
Registration: To register for the Institute, please contact Maria Taylor at or 224.233.2390.
The Center for Teaching through Children’s Books is dedicated to excellen ce in teaching with quality literature for children and adolescents.
Junko Yokota & Gail Bush, Directors; Toby Rajput, Librarian
Received on Sun 29 May 2011 01:59:31 AM CDT