CCBC-Net Archives

RE:Tight Times

Date: Fri, 06 May 2011 10:46:20 -0700

Sorry if this was mentioned already and I missed it but there is the picture book, Tight Times by Barbara Shook Hazen and illustrated Trina Schart Hyman (Viking, 1979). It's still available in pap erback.

Some other books on this topic I particularly like:

Boelts, Maribeth. Those Shoes . Illus. Noah Z. Jones. Candlewi ck, 2007. Bunting, Eve. Fly Away Home . Illus. Ronald Himler. Clarion, 1 991. Disalvo-Ryan, Dyanne. Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen . Morrow, 1991. (available in PB) Gunning, Monica. A Shelter in Our Car . Illus. Elaine Pedlar. Children's Book Press, 2004. McGovern, Ann. The Lady in the Box . Illus. Marni Backer. Turt le, 1997. O'Connor, Barbara. How to Steal a Dog . FSG, 2007.

Edward T. Sullivan, Rogue Librarian Author, The Ultimate Weapon : The Race to Develop the Atomic Bomb (Holiday House, 2007) Vi sit my web site, http://www.sully-w Visit my blog, Rogue Librarian: All About Books and Readin g http://sullywriter.wordpress .com Facebook Page:
Received on Fri 06 May 2011 10:46:20 AM CDT