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Simmons College Children's Literature Summer Institute: The Body Electric

From: Megan Lambert <>
Date: Sun, 01 May 2011 13:55:36 -0700 (PDT)

Children's Literature Summer Institute 2011: The Body Electric Thursday, July 28 — Sunday, July 31, 2011 "The Body Electric," sponsored by The Center for the Study of Children's Li terature at Simmons College, will be held the last weekend in July, commenc ing on Thursday evening, July 28th and concluding Sunday noon, July 31st.

В The preceding symposium will be taught by Associate Professor Kenneth Kidd from the University of Florida where his interests include nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature, gender studies/queer theory, and chi ldren's literature and media; it will run Tuesday and Thursdays beginning J uly 5th and will culminate with the Institute. Among the speakers who will attend the Institute are Mordicai Gerstein, Sara Pennypacker, David Small, Jacqueline Woodson and Gene Yang. В В Use the following link for more information, including instructions for reg istration:В��, or feel free to con tact me with any questions. В Megan Lambert Instructor The Center for the Study of Children's Literature Simmons College В Co-director of The Summer Institute В
Received on Sun 01 May 2011 01:55:36 PM CDT