CCBC-Net Archives

Reading Aloud

From: Angie Miles <>
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 17:51:14 -0700 (PDT)

Christine... though I'm sure those children challenged your sanity at times , the way you relate the story is pure comedy.  I think you have the maki ngs of an excellent book, picture or otherwise, if you choose.  Something about words soothing the savage breast comes to mind.

And Elsa, thank you for sharing such a very personal story.  Understandab ly, I am moved to tears, as I'm sure others are.  Though your parting is undeniably sorrowful, I believe the two of you came as close to a happy end ing as a story can.  I hope that when the time comes, I am as fortunate i n my farewell.

Again, you demonstrate the absolute power of the written word, shared with feeling.
Received on Sun 17 Apr 2011 05:51:14 PM CDT