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RE: Reading aloud

From: Gardow, Pamela <>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 12:53:20 -0500

Speaking of great audiobooks as Read Alouds, I have to say that Neil Gaiman 's reading of The Graveyard Book is fabulous! Just the right amount of cre epiness, suspense, and character. When it first came out, I was on a road trip and had the most wonderful time listening to that and to Stephen Brigg s reading Terry Pratchett's Nation. Two phenomenal listening experiences! I just finished listening to The Running Dream by Wendelin van Draanen, an d was inspired and entranced by the emotional journey and character delinea tion Laura Flanagan created in her excellent interpretation.

It's sometimes difficult to incorporate regular reading aloud to teens, esp ecially in the high school classroom setting. Amazingly my two children le t me read to them almost all the way through high school, with each of us r otating the book choice. Both of them are now avid audiobook fans. As a l ibrarian, I push audiobooks with almost every book talk, and am adding Over drive to my library resources next year so students can download audiobooks directly to their ipods and MP3 players.


This is stretching the topic a bit, but for your own listening pleasure don 't

miss the audiobooks of The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett and Wolf

Brother by Michelle Paver. Stephen Briggs has just the right accent for

each character in Pratchett's book which is layers deep, hysterical,

and appeals to a wide age range. As for Wolf Brother (grades 6-8), is

there a better reader or a reader with a more beautiful voice than Ian


Hilarie Morrow Kane

Prairie Hill Waldorf School

Pam Gardow, Library Media Specialist Advisor, Teen Literacy Initiative Memorial High School 2225 Keith St. Eau Claire, WI 54701 715-852-6309



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Received on Mon 04 Apr 2011 12:53:20 PM CDT