CCBC-Net Archives

reading aloud

From: Killeen, Erlene <Erlene.Killeen_at_Stoughton.K12.WI.US>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 07:49:35 -0500

I received an ARC of The Reading Promise at ALA Midwinter. It is a wonderf ul testimony to reading aloud and building a literary background for a chil d. It is also a heartbreaking story of the demise of school librarianship. There are oddities and difficulties in the daughter and father's story bu t book lovers will love this.

Erlene Bishop Killeen Stoughton Area Schools 1601 West South Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-877-5181
Received on Mon 04 Apr 2011 07:49:35 AM CDT