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From: Vardell, Sylvia <>
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2011 20:01:31 -0500

I hope you’ll indulge a bit of self-promotion as I share news about a new poetry e-book for kids available today perfect for reading aloud: Just in time for National Poetry Month, look for the first ever electronic-only poe try anthology of new poems by top poets for children (ages 0-8), PoetryTagT ime, compiled by Janet Wong and yours truly and available for only 99 cents at the Kindle Store at Amazon today, April 1.

This collection of 30 new, unpublished connected poems range from the humor ous to serious, about tongues, turtles and toenails, in acrostics, quatrain s, and free verse written by 30 of our best children's poets. And the “co nnections” between poems as the poets voice how their poems are interconn ected in this game of poetry tag adds another layer of fun and meaning. You 'll be able to share brand-new poems and poetry tips with children all mont h long for pennies a day!

Even if you don’t own a Kindle, you can download the free Kindle app for a number of devices, including your Windows or Apple computer, iPad, iPhone , BlackBerry, or Android-powered phone. Also, be sure to check out our web site ( and companion blog (PoetryTagTime.Blogspot) for st rategies for sharing each of the 30 poems in the book, rolling out one per day throughout the month of April.

For more information:

and for teaching tips:


Sylvia M. Vardell, Ph.D. Professor Texas Woman's University School of Library & Information Studies P O Box 425438 Denton TX 76204-5438 940-898-2616

Author of: CHILDREN'S LITERATURE IN ACTION; A LIBRARIAN'S GUIDE (Libraries Unlimited, 2008) POETRY PEOPLE; A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CHILDREN'S POETS (Libraries Unlimited, 2007) POETRY ALOUD HERE! SHARING POETRY WITH CHILDREN IN THE LIBRARY (ALA, 2006) BOOK LINKS columnist: Everyday Poetry Co-Editor, BOOKBIRD, the journal of international children's literature (ht tp://
Received on Fri 01 Apr 2011 08:01:31 PM CDT